
When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste. ~Laiko Bahrs

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pantry Challenge Week 2

I am a little late getting this in this week! I have been very busy at my daughters school. I am the PTA President and we are in the middle of a fundraiser! 
I went to the grocery store and spent a total of $93.13. Not too bad I don't think for one weeks worth of groceries. My planned budget for the month is to spend no more than $300. So far I have $206 left for groceries this month...and its only the 7th!!
I can do this! I know I can!! I have a good menu plan laid out! I made some homemade protein bars the other night and I add those to my hubbies lunch. He loves them!! I have been making homemade bread just about every night this week. We use this for lunches also! The kids and hubby love sandwiches made from fresh bread! It is nice to wake up in the mornings to the smell of fresh bread wafting through the house!
Here is what my menu plan looks like this week:
Thursday: Chinese Chicken, rice and tomatoes (for me), Potato casserole (for everyone else), Green beans and a side salad.
Friday: Chicken and Rice Casserole, side salad
Saturday: Homemade Pizza
Sunday: Homemade Hoagie Melts, chips and salads

I have also planned out the menu for next week that goes something like this:
Monday: Southwestern Goulash (new recipe), Rolls and salad
Tuesday: Leftovers, we have a PTA meeting
Wednesday: Baked Chicken, Broccoli & Cheese Sauce, Mashed Tators
Thursday: Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes made with Wednesday night leftovers, Salad
Friday: Homemade Pizza
Saturday and Sunday are not planned yet! I have 90% of the ingredients needed for these dinners.
I plan on shopping tomorrow if I get a chance, if not it will be Friday!
We are running low on the necessities like milk, cheese, cereal and fruit!

I hope you are planning on doing a Pantry Challenge yourself!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Chocolate Protein Bars

Chocolate Protein Bars

3 cups Oats (I use quick cooking)
1/2 cup Hershey Cocoa powder
2 scoops Protein Powder
1 cup Condensed Milk
Pinch Salt
1 cup Dried Cranberries
1 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 cup Applesauce

Mix all ingredients together. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray a 9x9 baking pan and line with parchment paper and spray again. Pour mixture into baking dish and press into corners and pat down. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle a handful of chocolate chips and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
Let cool completely and cut into bars!

I came up with this recipe from another recipe posted on YouTube by http://www.youtube.com/user/threemanycooks
I adjusted the recipe to the tasting of my hubby!

I hope you try these out!

Whats your favorite granola/protein bar recipe?

~Remember to put God first, and everything else will follow~